In my many years of calligraphic practice, I have used primarily gouache and watercolor for any colorful treatment of letters. When I had my first class with John Stevens during the pandemic, he was using Nicker Poster Paints. I didn’t jump on the bandwagon till this year, and am a fan, especially for practice work! Nicker’s have a beautiful array of colors and mix well together. The consistency is creamy, and the density of mark making can be divine. I love practicing Neuland with them, filling up rolls of Amazon packing paper! If they dry out over time, you can add their recovery liquid in small increments. You can see the lovely mix of colors in one of my pieces done at the International Calligraphy Conference this last June.
Tatiana deFigueiredo Gebert
Find Nicker at John Neal Books
Tatiana deFigueiredo Gebert